
Product Design 3D modeling
suba project title image


Time: 2022 Feb, 3 weeks Roles: Research, ideation, sketching, modelling Team: Sooa Mo, Soraya Elchehimi, Bowie Rheault, Chinmayee Kusnur Tools: Figma, Onshape, Photoshop


The Suba is a submarine-shaped toy flashlight designed specifically for 6-year-olds. Our goal was to include the average size of their fingers, hands, etc. in our design to create a flashlight that fits comfortably into their hands.


Designed a submarine flashlight, make it into a 3D model, create a poster with details about the flashlight (design, materials) specific for children.


We initially had to think about what type of users we wanted to focus on, eg construction workers, elderly adults, especially those with arthritis, or 6-year-old children. Our initial design was very simple. We decided to get feedback from our professor and classmates to enhance our design.

Teammember's first idea

Teammember's first idea

The team members' initial ideas were so simple that we had to consider more diverse sketches because we received a lot of feedback from the professor and classmates.


The first sketch we came up with makes the flashlight look like a mug (this was also the feedback we got from classmates). After alot of brainstorming and many sketches this resulted in a very colourful submarine-shaped flashlight.

I sketched based on the team member's first idea.

My Sketches 1

I sketched additional skech from first idea

My Sketches 2

collection of sketches. The right side is the most recent sketch.

collection of sketches

I sketched orthographic projection skech before 3D modeling.

orthographic projection sketch

I sketched an orthographic projection for showing each part’s dimension. And that make team member understand how to create the 3d modelling.

3D modelling

I finished modelling by using Onshape. To reduce the time to create a 3D model, we decided that each team member be responsible for creating different parts of the flashlight.

propeller's 3d modeling

Propeller's 3d modeling

propeller side view

Propeller side view

propeller's top view

Propeller's top view

My role: I needed to do a 3D model of the propeller. Before doing this, I used the dimensions for a child to create the top, bottom, and front of the propeller. I also modelled the windows, chose the colours, materials to be used and assembly.

suba's 3d modeling

Suba's 3d modeling

suba's front view

Suba's front view

suba's side view

Suba's side view

Difficulty: Sketches were made in consideration of the dimensions for children, but there were various structural problems that we came across when we actually created the model. When modelling, we tried to keep the structure as simple as possible in order to create a stable 3D model.


This is the final poster of SUBA

Final poster

We designed the flashlight to fit the size of a child's hand. The on/off buttons make it easy for the child to use the flashlight and control the propeller’s brightness. I wanted to ensure that children have the alot of fun using the flashlight.


Looking back, I realized that we used too many colours in our design and should have limited the colour palette based on children's preferences. While we didn't have time for extensive research, I conducted brief interviews with parents to inform our design decisions. Overall, I enjoyed working on this collaborative project and look forward to similar projects in the future.