
UI/UX Design Prototype
bye-nary project title image


Time: 2022 June- August, 8 weeks Roles: UX Research, UI Design, Prototyping Team: Jenny (Hyewon) Choi,Gabriela Farhat,Jina Lee,Sooa Mo Tools: Figma, Discord, zoom


To design and create a prototype of the interactive narrative mobile application using prototype program for a 3rd-year design course.


We designed "Bye-nary" using game mechanics to provide users with information about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, allowing them to explore their identity through an Avatar and discover the non-binary and transgender community in BC.

UX Research

Research + Interview

Before the interview, searched to find out how people learn sexual knowledge, significantly how they acquire knowledge related to the LGBTQ community. In addition, through interviews, we received answers to various questions about the LGBTQ community and feedback on the application we wanted to create.


Direct Quotes from Interviews



Persona 1


Persona 2

Initial Wireframe

We started to design the interaction of applications through low-fidelity wireframes. we included key interactions such as onboarding, avatar creation, profile, the timeline of the LGBTQ community, and exploration.

onboarding process

Onboarding process for beginner

avatar select

Create Avatar for profile


LGBTQ+ community timeline

High Fidelity


Some interactions in the application that I worked on with focus.


During the prototyping stage, I focused on ensuring a smooth overall flow and transition between different elements of the application. To achieve this, I put in significant effort into creating a seamless interaction and transition experience. One key element of this was the addition of animations to the prototype. I used Figma to create a visually progressive animation that helped users understand the processing flow. Specifically, the animation was incorporated into the loading time and the initial start of the application. This animation proved to be a crucial element in enhancing the user experience, and I paid close attention to every detail to create a sophisticated and easy-to-use prototype.


Concept Video


Through this project, I gained various experiences in good UX design, such as UX research, wireframe, and prototype. I worked on better designs through feedback from the professor, TA and User. During the 8-week project, I worked step by step every week as planned. When building prototypes, I learned to simplify the interaction without complicating it, which made me more considerate of the users. Overall, this project gave me excellent experiences, particularly in UX design, and allowed me to check workflows that made me more considerate of users.