Public Art

Back-end development HTML/CSS/PHP
public art project title image


Time: 2022 November - December, 8 weeks Roles: Back-end developer Team: Sooa Mo, Gabriela Farhat Tools: Figma, Visual Studio, Git, phpMyAdmin


To utilize my skills in web design and development to create dynamic websites using PHP and JS. I aim to leverage data from databases, implement functionalities such as adding, deleting, and editing content, and contribute to the seamless user experience.


A website that enables users to search for Vancouver's public art using data from the official Vancouver City website. Users can explore and save their favorite artworks, creating a personalized favorite list.


Our approach involved extensive discussions on creating a website that utilizes Vancouver's public art database. The homepage serves as an entry point for the website, featuring a navigation bar with a logo and a login button. Upon logging in, users have the option to select their preferred art genre and explore related artworks. A search function is implemented to redirect users to the search page for specific queries. Additionally, the 'About' section provides information about the website and team. Furthermore, focused on developing an efficient back-end system by establishing connections between multiple databases. This involved creating a dedicated database for user profiles alongside the Vancouver public art database, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

Initial Wireframe of homepage

Initial Wireframe of homepage by Sooa Mo

Initial Wireframe of homepage

Initial Wireframe of other page by Sooa Mo

ER Diagram

Prior to the actual development of the website, I carefully organized the relationships between the databases using an Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram. This diagram served as a visual representation of the entities, attributes, and relationships between the user profile database and the Vancouver public art database. It provided a clear overview of the data structure and allowed us to plan the integration and functionality of the two databases effectively.

ER diagram image

ER Diagram by Sooa Mo


As a team, we divided the tasks for creating the website and worked collaboratively. My responsibilities included developing the search page, user management functionalities (login/logout/signup), and user profile page. Throughout the development process, we utilized Git, Visual Studio and phpMyAdmin as our primary development environment.

screenshot of the search page

screenshot of the search page

One particular challenge I encountered while writing the code was handling images. The public art images stored in the database were stored as URLs, making it relatively straightforward to utilize them. However, dealing with storing and retrieving images from a user database which I created for user management was a new concept that wasn't covered in the course. Also, I attempted to handle all activities within a single admin database, which posed difficulties.

scrennshot of the profile page

screenshot of the profile page

To overcome this challenge, I turned to various resources like YouTube and websites to gain insights into saving and utilizing images, specifically by understanding the concept of a blob. Moreover, I sought guidance from professors and teaching assistants, who advised me to create a separate 'user_image' database table. By implementing their suggestions and understanding of blob, I successfully resolved the issue and achieved the desired functionality.


The video provides a comprehensive overview of the website, showcasing its various functions and user interfaces. I successfully implemented the envisioned features and demonstrated their seamless functionality through video.


This project provided valuable insights into the importance of understanding data and efficiently organizing and utilizing databases for website development. Overall, the project served as a valuable learning experience, highlighting the significance of data management and the balance between back-end and front-end development. It provided us with an opportunity to strengthen our skills in database utilization and develop a deeper understanding of the development process.