Time: 2022 March - April, 6 weeks Roles: Research, ideation, sketching, modelling, painting Team: Sooa Mo, Soraya Elchehimi, Bowie Rheault, Chinmayee Kusnur Tools: Figma, Onshape, Photoshop, Various Production Tools
Our team was tasked with designing a web camera for a persona related to SIAT (SFU Interactive and Technology), using plastic and paper as the primary materials. The goal was to create a unique webcam that would be tailored to the needs of SIAT students.
Designed a tree-shaped webcam, created a 3D model, and made a magnetic webcam with interchangeable paper designs.
During the Covid period, we had to take a video conference at home, not at school, and manage a team project. In other words, cameras have become a necessity for everyone. Like various electronic devices, such as speakers on a desk, rather than being attached to a monitor or laptop, cameras can also exist in various shapes. We've decided to design a webcam that can be customized uniquely with a SIAT student like us as a persona.
My First Sketch
My Second Sketch
orthographic projection sketch
Each of the team members sketched three initial designs, and among them, my sketch of the tree-shaped design received the best feedback, so I led the design of our team project. My main role: By doing various sketches, I thought a lot about allowing my team members to choose from multiple options. Also, it was my role to design the two main materials, plastic and paper, in a balanced way. Difficulty: Using paper was difficult. I thought a lot about how to use it, and I thought it would be good to use paper for customization by researching it. Therefore, our product can be change the open parts of plastic to customized paper, and I was able to balance the two materials by using paper in various parts.
first modelling
first modelling front view
second modelling
second modelling front view
My role: While working on the project, I was also in managing the 3D modelling of the product. At first, I made it simple, thinking only about the basic form. However, the first model produced a second one because many details were deleted. Although most elements of the product were modelled, it was regrettable that details such as wires could not be made. Link: Check OnShape
Final Physical Model
We designed the product using the main materials in a balanced. Although there were many mistakes in the production process, I could produce and present the finished product in time by collaborating with my team members. Link: More Details of this Project